國 名:新加坡共和國
Official Name:The Republic of Singapore
國 旗:由紅、白兩個(gè)平行相等長方形構(gòu)成。紅色在上,白色在下。旗的左上角有一白色新月和五顆白色五角星。紅色表示四海皆兄弟和人類的平等,白色象征普遍永久的純潔和美德。新月象征這個(gè)向上的年輕國家如日永恒東升。五顆星表示這個(gè)國家建立民主、和平、進(jìn)步、正義和平等的理想。
國 徽:中心圖案是紅色的盾徽,盾面上有一輪白色新月托著5顆呈圓形排列白色五角星,星的含義與國旗相同。國徽圖案兩邊各立一只猛獸,帶有黑色條紋的金虎代表馬來亞;雄獅代表新加坡。新加坡的國名即根據(jù)雄獅的馬來名稱命名的。圖案下部是金色的棕櫚枝和一條藍(lán)色的飾帶,上寫著“前進(jìn)吧,新加坡”。
國 歌:《前進(jìn)吧,新加坡》。
國 花:以一種名為卓錦·萬代蘭的胡姬花為國花。東南亞通稱蘭花為胡姬花。卓錦·萬代蘭是由卓錦女士培植而成,花朵清麗端莊、生命力特強(qiáng),它象征新加坡人的氣質(zhì)和刻苦耐勞、果敢奮斗的精神。
Location: Singapore, lying in south-east Asia, is a city-island-state and a third-smallest country in Asia. It consists of Singapore island (of 91.6% of total area) and several smaller offshore islets. Singapore is connected to the nearby western Portion of Malaysia by a causeway 1.2 km. in length across the narrow Johore Strait and positions at the eastern end of the Strait of Malacca, which separates western Malaysia and the Indonesian island of Sumatra. It occupied a formal position at the turning point from the Indian Ocean to the Pacific Ocean.
面 積:647.5平方公里
Area: 647.5 sq. km.
land use-1.6% cropland; 4.9% forest and woodland; 93.5% other (mainly urban); coastline- 193km.
人 口:316.35萬(1998年);356.7萬(2000)
Population: 3.1635 m (1998); 3.567 m. (2000)
density- 14,268 inhabits per sq. mile(2000); urban pop.- 100%(1995); growth rate per year-0.6%(2000);Average Life Expectancy-77.5(male-75.0; female-80.1)years(2000).
時(shí) 差:比格林尼治時(shí)間早7小時(shí)30分;比北京時(shí)間晚半小時(shí)。
Time: 7.5 hrs earlier than GMT; half and hour later than Beijing Time.
語 言:馬來語、英語、華語、和泰米爾語為官方語言。馬來語為國語。
Language: Malay, English, Chinese and Tamil are the official languages. Malay is the national language.
民 族:華人占77.7%,馬來人占14.1%,印度人占7.1%,其他1.1%。
Ethnic Composition: Chinese-77.7%; Malay-14.1%; Indian-7.1%; other-1.1%.
宗 教:無國教。華人多信佛教或道教,馬來人信奉伊斯蘭教,歐洲人和歐亞混血種人主要信奉基督教,印度人信奉印度教和錫克教。
Religion: No official religion. The Majority of the Chinese population are Buddhists or Taoists; Malays are Muslim; European and Eurasian are mainly Christians, most of Indian community are Hindus, Sikhs.
貨 幣:1新加坡元=100分;1美元=1.7145新元(2000年3月17日)
Currency: 1 Singapore dollar (S$) = 100 cents; US$ 1 = S$ 1.7145 (Mar.17,2000)
節(jié) 日(2001年):新年(1月1日)、春節(jié)(1月23-25日)、宰牲節(jié)(3月6日)、耶穌受難日(4月13日)、勞動節(jié)(5月1日)、衛(wèi)舍迦節(jié)(5月7日)、國慶節(jié)(8月9日)、開齋節(jié)(12月17日)、圣誕節(jié)(12月25日)。
Holiday (2001): Jan. 1 (New Year's Day), Jan.23-25 (Chinese New Year), Mar.6 (Feast of the Sacrifice), Apr.13 (Good Friday), May 1 (Labor Day), May 7 ( Vesak Day), Aug. 9 (National Day), Dec.17 (End of Ramadan), Dec.25 (Christmas Day).
Administrative Districts: The country is administered as a unified city-state. It was divided into 4 areas Central City Area, City Periphery (north, northeast, west), Suburbs (east, north, west) and Outlying Areas (east, north, west).
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